Current headline news reveals a major e-cigarette manufacturer, Juul, must pay a multimillion-dollar fine.
Seen as safer than regular tobacco cigarettes and a means to stop smoking, electronic cigarettes have skyrocketed in popularity. Although they don’t deliver the myriad of harmful chemicals released by burning tobacco, it is increasingly evident that electronic cigarettes hold their own dangers.
Since their introduction in 2006 in Europe and the United States, experts have argued over their value in reducing lung cancer from smoking traditional cigarettes.
Many of the devices offer fruit and candy flavors to entice high school and middle school students to begin vaping. Since it is highly addictive, you have lifelong customers starting at a young age and it is not uncommon for them to combine vaping with traditional smoking.
Nicotine itself is a harmful chemical, raising blood pressure and adrenaline levels, thereby increasing the likelihood of heart attacks.
E-cigarettes also deliver other harmful and carcinogenic chemicals and poisons to the body. These include diethylene glycol, a toxic chemical used in antifreeze, acrolein, a weed killer, and formaldehyde. A food additive, Diacetyl, used to enhance fruit and candy flavors, also damages the small airways in the lungs.
Science Source stock images and video provides photos, body scans, and motion related to these topics.
Includes photos, medical scans, and medical illustrations: lung cancer, vaping damage to lungs, e-cigarettes, cigarettes, CT scans, x-rays, gross anatomy.
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