Eczema ( Atopic dermatitis) is a common condition in young children, but can occur at any age. It causes the skin to become dry, itchy and inflamed.
A mild case of eczema may progress into a severe case if untreated. Symptoms may include oozing and crusting, which may lead to infected skin.
Common triggers include food allergies, dry skin, contact with an irritant, heat, dust mites or pet dander, and soap or chemicals.
On brown or black-skinned people, eczema can present as small, raised bumps.
Creams, OTC topical medications, humidifiers and prescription medications such as immunosuppressants are common treatments for eczema.
Science Source is the leading provider of medical stock images and videos. We offer a curated selection of eczema photos at all stages, mild to severe, and appearing on infants, children and adults. We also offer other skin condition and skin disease stock images for licensing.